After completing 30 paintings in 30 days in January, it is nearly shameful to admit that I finished only 3 paintings and one study in February. I don't have any major life events to blame it on, either. There was a week of camping (with NO painting!) and about a week to catch up from doing nothing BUT painting in January. And... oh yes, nearly forgot... I created a website that I'm rather proud of ( I think that encompasses all the excuses I have for not painting more in February.
The painting of the two fawns was created over the month of February. You'll find the "in progress" photos in two previous posts. When I wrote the last post about the fawns (here), I totally forgot to point out a major problem I corrected. If you like puzzles, go back and look and the first post about the fawns - here - and then go back and look at today's or the last post (here) . Can you see what I saw? I didn't see it until we came back from our camping trip. All I can think of is that I was extremely happy to discover it before I went any further. (if you haven't seen the "problem" yet, I'll explain tell all at the end of this post).
Here is the finished painting....
The painting of the two fawns was created over the month of February. You'll find the "in progress" photos in two previous posts. When I wrote the last post about the fawns (here), I totally forgot to point out a major problem I corrected. If you like puzzles, go back and look and the first post about the fawns - here - and then go back and look at today's or the last post (here) . Can you see what I saw? I didn't see it until we came back from our camping trip. All I can think of is that I was extremely happy to discover it before I went any further. (if you haven't seen the "problem" yet, I'll explain tell all at the end of this post).
Here is the finished painting....
These fawns were painted on a 16" x 20" canvas with water mixable oils. I used a fairly limited palette - yellow ochre, french ultramarine blue, titanium white, burnt sienna, sap green and a bit of cad red light.
Thanks for stopping by!
p.s. Did you find my "problem"? Look back at the very first in-progress photo and you'll see that the fawn on the left has only 3 legs! It was that way in the photo, which I didn't see either. Since I really didn't want a 3 legged fawn, I painted in the 4th leg.