26th Day - 30 Paintings in 30 Days

For the first time during this challenge, I painted what one of my favorite artist friends calls a "FP".  That's short for Failed Painting.  Definitely not one I would want to show in public.

So... at about lunch time today, I knew I needed to start all over with another painting.  And it was going to be late in the day before I could do that.  No worries. (I think this Challenge has given me more courage! <grin>)

After supper this evening, I started back at it.  And I'm so pleased with the result.  Not the same subject I started with this morning, this is from a photo I've had in my pile of reference photos for a long time.  It has always appealed to me.  I like the story it seems to tell. It looks like this little guy is listening intently to someone not there.  Or maybe waiting for a bus.   And until this evening, I never thought I could actually pull it off.  But... I think I did.  I'm really pleased with this one.  

This was painted on a 5" x 7" Raymar art panel with Winsor Newton water mixable oils.  

Thanks so much for stopping by.  I can't believe there are only 4 more paintings to go in the Challenge!  (and I sure hope I don't run into anymore FPs!)



This painting does tell a story and that makes it very successful!