Beagle Pup - In Progress

This adorable Beagle pup has been begging to be painted for months and I finally got started on it this past weekend. I'm working on an 10" x 8" Raymar panel - canvas over board basically. I really like these panels. They don't warp and they are easy to pack for plein air painting (painting outside). After applying two coats of white gesso, I mixed up a peachy color. After brushing it on the entire canvas panel, I wiped most of it off and then set it aside to let it dry for a couple of days. One day was probably enough, but since it was the weekend, I could let it sit for a while. Yesterday I began by sketching in the major shapes using a thinned out Burnt Sienna. Then, I started blocking in the largest color shapes beginning with the lighter brown color. I quit after getting the browns and whites blocked in. Today, I worked on the darks - the eyes and the nose. At the moment, I consider this a little more than "blocked in". A little more detail has been completed. A few darker darks are beginning to help give dimension to the image.

Puppies are such fun to paint!

Thanks for stopping by.
