Day 27 - Marsh Re-Do

When trying to decide what to paint today, it suddenly occurred to me that the "problem" I was experiencing yesterday is really a problem with finding more marsh scenes to paint.  I'm not unhappy painting the marsh - I'm just having a hard time finding new inspiration.  Rather than looking for new scenes, I gave myself permission to re-do some of my favorite scenes from earlier in the month.  Since I have been using the palette knife just recently, I think it will be really interesting to compare paintings.

Today's painting is a re-do of painting #2.  You can see that one here.

Here is #27.....

Tree Island in the Marsh II
6" x 6", oil on birch board

As I started this one this morning, an idea for tomorrow's painting - using this same composition - popped into my head.  Stay tuned!!!

Thanks for stopping by!!

