Whew!!! All caught up....

Today I managed to get caught up with the rest of the pack.  I've got three paintings to show you.  The first one, I actually painted yesterday.  The second and third, I painted this morning.

This first one was entirely play.  My little birch boards have the most fascinating patterns in the wood grain.  This board looked like a painting to me right away, so I just decided to go with it.  And what fun it was!!  I've included a photo of the bare board below my painting.  

Blue and Gold
6" x 6", oil on birch board

bare birch board

This morning, I decided to try painting with just one color and white.  I ended up using both French Ultramarine Blue and Pthalo Blue mixed with white.  Even though I was using just blue, my mind kept thinking in colors.  That was weird! Painting this one was really fun.   

Blue Marsh
6" x 6" , oil on birch board

My second painting was a bit of a challenge, but after having so much fun with "Blue Marsh", I decided to give it a try.  This one was from a very poor photo I took with my iPhone a few mornings ago as the moon was setting.  In addition to being out of focus, the photo was a vertical rectangle, not a square.  And it was really dark.  No worries.  I decided it would make a good painting and I must say, I'm delighted with the results.

Moon In the Marsh
6" x 6", oil on birch board

Now that I'm up to date with my 30 Paintings in 30 Days, I'm going to relax a bit and take some time off this afternoon to go exploring.  Take some more marsh photos.  And spend some time with my husband, who has been so patient about all my time with my paints.

See you tomorrow!!


Meredith Adler said…
This is really fun to witness, I see a distinct style emerging! How fun when the materials lend a hand in determining the painting. Congratulations on getting caught up!