Day 30 - Finally!!

Well, it is finally here. The last day of Leslie Saeta's January 30 Paintings in 30 Days Challenge.  Last week, I was sure I was going to hang on.  Even thought about quitting, but I'm not a quitter, so it wasn't really an option.  <grin>  I'd like to offer a huge congrats to all the artists who participated in the Challenge.  It was good to know I wasn't alone!

Sundown on the Marsh
6" x 6", oil on birch board

Just before the sun sets most evenings, it shines on the marsh outside our back door.  The water is very blue and the grasses are golden.  There's a bit of pink in the sky (our back yard faces north).  If the tide is low, this is when the pluff mud looks purple and the little streams of water that run through it are powder blue.  

A friend commented the other day that she hadn't heard of "pluff mud" before.  I should have realized that not everyone knows about pluff mud.  It is a Low Country feature.  The mud in the marsh, exposed at low tide, is very thick and will pull your shoes off if you make the mistake of stepping in it.  You might sink in to your ankles.  Or maybe your knees.  It is also rather odiferous.  Smelling of the salt flats and grasses and the creatures that live there.  I first learned about pluff mud when we were sailing in this area years ago.  There was no where for our dog to find any land along the water.  What looked like land was pluff mud and he sank right in.  

Thanks so much for sticking with me during the Challenge.  Be sure to stop by tomorrow - I'll put together a collage of all 30 paintings and together we will see if I've made any progress.



Meredith Adler said…
Congratulations, Susan, and thanks for bringing us along to a warmer place. It has been fun seeing your progression, including picking up the palette knife! Love seeing the pink in the sky in this painting, and such a coincidence tonight, because driving home in the mountains, the sky was very pink and the mountains very blue.

It was lots of fun doing this 30 in 30 like a team! Looking forward to seeing more of your work...
7 Mile said…
Thirty paintings!! Sundown on the Marsh is an apt title for your last painting.
Susan said…
Thanks Meredith and Laurel. And Laurel, I didn't plan that title. I didn't even realize that I had done that till I looked at the blogpost to make sure it had posted correctly. Funny how things like that happen, isn't it?