Day 26 - More marsh.....

To be perfectly honest, I'm really glad this 30 Paintings in 30 Days Challenge is coming to an end soon.  Not sure I can face many more marsh paintings.  

Late yesterday afternoon I spent some time wandering around taking some more marsh photos.  I wanted to try and catch the glow that occurs just before the sun sets.  The marsh turns an orange-gold and if the tide is low enough, the pluff mud is a lovely shade of purple with streaks of bright blue reflecting in the streaks of water remaining in the mud.  It is a riot of color.

Today's painting shows a bit of that, but not nearly as intense.  The tide was fairly high and there wasn't much pluff mud to be seen.  As I was painting this one, I realized that under normal circumstances, water will be darker as it gets closer to you.  But the water yesterday was not that way.  It was darker further out than up close.  Another lesson - look carefully and paint what you see, not what you know.

I used the palette knife again on this one.  I've found I enjoy blocking in the major shapes and values with a fairly large brush and then go back over it with a palette knife - correcting shapes and values and adding delicious texture.  Fun!

Later Afternoon on the Marsh
6" x 6", oil on birch board

Thanks for stopping by.  See you tomorrow!!



Ducky said…
My pleasure to stop by Susan. I am going to miss your daily renderings but I can only imagine the pressure this must cause to the artist.

You are so gifted in the arts. Now, go and paint according to your hearts desire - not the pressure of performing.
Meredith Adler said…
I think everyone is feeling glad it is winding down. I truly think the challenge this week is to not wind up burned out and consequently not wanting to paint for a long time. That would be counterproductive to all that has been accomplished this month!

And I am THRILLED to see what you have accomplished! You are doing so well with your marshes, and the palette knife work in this one is wonderful!
7 Mile said…
Really wonderful. The palette knife appeared just in time for the grasses. Pluff mud?? Never heard that before.
Susan said…
Y'all did a great job of boosting me back up!! Thanks so much. My inspiration popped back up today. Many thanks!!

Laurel - "pluff mud" is the mud under and around the marsh. I'll write about it in another blog post. It has a sulfur odor. Salty, too.