Lizzy Lizard Licker

Lizzy Lizard Licker is our Jack Russell Terrier who is now 3 1/2 years old.  She came from near Lizard Licks, North Carolina (yes, there really is a place named Lizard Licks!).  She was already named when she came to live with us and with a name that cute, there was no way we were going to change it.  She is a rough coated Jack, and her hair has grown longer than it should be.  She looks a bit like a fuzz ball between groomings!

If you've been following my blog for a while, you may remember that I painted her last year during the 30 Paintings in 30 Days Challenge.  My husband really liked that painting, so this year for Christmas, I painted her again.  This time I used a 8" x 8" stretched canvas (the first was on gessoed paper).  He was very surprised and delighted.  I love gifts like that!

Lizzy Lizard Licker
8" x 8", oil on canvas

Thanks for stopping by....  oh - and Happy Valentine's Day!!!

