Introducing Tanner...

This handsome boy is named Tanner.  He is a German Shepherd and hound mix that just happens to look like a brother to my Maggie.  So of course, he has a special place in my heart now, too.

Tanner's human didn't adopt him from a shelter, but did rescue him from life in a cage inside an apartment where he had been living.  I can't help but think how good it was of the people who originally owned him to realize that he needed a better home than what they could give him.  Along came his new human and now Tanner lives in the country where he can stretch out those long legs.

Tanner is the first dog in my series of adopted animals.  If your dog - or other pet - has been adopted (as opposed to being purchased from a breeder or a pet shop), I'd love to see photos and perhaps paint a portrait.  You can read more about this series by clicking here.

6" x 6", oil on paper

Thanks so much for stopping by!

