Day 30!!!!! 30 Paintings in 30 Days

I made it!!! I painted 30 paintings in 30 days.  That may be more paintings than I completed in all of 2012.  Plus, I painted 30 paintings that I felt good enough to post online and share with the world.  If I had spent anytime thinking about what I was getting into when I signed up for this challenge, I might not have done it.  <grin>

Over the weekend, I hope to get better photos of all the paintings and then I'll put them together in a collage to share here on the blog.  By then, I also hope to have a plan for where to go from here.

Today's painting was a great one to finish off with.  What a delightful subject!  I took my time, didn't rush, and enjoyed every minute of this last painting in the challenge.  (Unfortunately, I finished long after dark and this photo is a bit darker than the actual painting. ) 

This is Saki.  She's been painted on a 8" x 6" sheet of gessoed watercolor paper with water mixable oils.  I have to admit I could have spent hours more painting her fur.  There are an amazing amounts of shapes and colors there.  Yet another lesson learned this month - no time for messing around!

Thanks for stopping by.  I'll be back soon!



Dave Casey said…
Now this is a fun painting. I think it shows personality perfectly.
Susan said…
Thanks Dave! I really had fun painting this one. What a personality Saki has and I'm delighted it shows!