This adorable face belongs to Stitch, a French Bulldog, who is an especially lucky dog that gets to live in Key West. I've been told he tends to be mischievous, and I'm hoping I caught that in this painting. He certainly has a delightful grin on his face!
I painted Stitch on a 5" x 5" sheet of gessoed watercolor paper with water mixable oils.
Just three more days in this Challenge. I think Leslie, the Challenge's creator, is planning some more creative projects to host on her blog, so I expect I will continue to blog with more frequency - although maybe not every day. We'll just have to wait to see what she comes up with.
Thanks for stopping by. Hope to see you back tomorrow!
I painted Stitch on a 5" x 5" sheet of gessoed watercolor paper with water mixable oils.
Just three more days in this Challenge. I think Leslie, the Challenge's creator, is planning some more creative projects to host on her blog, so I expect I will continue to blog with more frequency - although maybe not every day. We'll just have to wait to see what she comes up with.
Thanks for stopping by. Hope to see you back tomorrow!