Day 20 - 30 Paintings in 30 Days Challenge

When I started out today, I had no idea what I was going to paint.  Since that is most times the hardest part of painting, it isn't a position I like to be in during this challenge.  But.... late yesterday afternoon as the sun was low and pouring in the west windows of the house, our Jack Russell Terrier, Lizzy, was napping in a sunbeam.  The light caught my eyes as I walked by her and I knew it would make a great picture, so I grabbed my camera.  I only got one photo before she woke up, but I kept shooting.  This morning I downloaded the photos and took a look.  One in particular caught my eye.  As a photo, it's not great.  The highlights are too blown out and the darks are so dark you can't see into them.  I wondered if I could possibly pull a good painting out of it.  Early on in my painting career, I learned if the reference photos are bad, painting from them successfully is about near impossible.  Probably, trying to tackle a challenge in the middle of a challenge is not wise, but I decided to try it anyways.  And I'm pleased with the results.  I can feel the sun on her face when I look at her. 

Here's Lizzy Lizard Licker (she came with that name and it was too cute to change!).......

I painted this on a sheet of gessoed watercolor paper.  It's 6" x 6".  

Thanks for stopping by.  Hope to see you tomorrow!



L.Holm said…
So sweet! Love this! great work.