Day two of the 30 paintings in 30 Days Challenge. In the days leading up to the Challenge and still now, I find I'm always thinking on some level of what to paint. Driving down the road, walking the dogs, doing dishes.... the thought is always there. Even when I've got a several ideas lined up, knowing there need to be lots more, the thoughts continue. It's been fun having my mind on art all the time.
Today's painting is of our cat, Simi. She passed away yesterday, after being sick for a few months. Simi came to us from the animal shelter in Key West. She was reported to be 4 years old then and that was back in 2002. Even though she was part Siamese, she was a very quiet cat. And very sweet. She is already missed terribly.
I painted this one, like yesterday's, on gessoed watercolor paper - 8" x 6". I have lots of these sheets ready to go and like to use them for "quick" studies. When I use the word "quick" in relationship to my paintings, anything less than 4 hours is "quick". One good thing I expect to come out of painting these 30 paintings will be that I just may get to be a faster painter. I'll let you know. This painting took me about 3 hours. Yesterday's was 4 hours. Getting faster already.
Winsor Newton Artists Oils were my paints of choice today. I love the buttery feel of them. Turpenoid is my only medium and I use it lightly. My palette today was Titanium White, French Ultramarine Blue, Burnt Umber and a wee bit of Cadmium Red. Backing up a bit - I started this one with a light pencil sketch on white gesso.
Oh - I nearly forgot to mention - I haven't painted her whiskers on yet. That's because I like to wait for the paint to dry before I attempt those delicate lines. If the paint underneath is dry, I can wipe off a line I don't like and try again. Once I get the whiskers on, I'll post the painting again.
Thanks for stopping by to see my latest efforts!
Today's painting is of our cat, Simi. She passed away yesterday, after being sick for a few months. Simi came to us from the animal shelter in Key West. She was reported to be 4 years old then and that was back in 2002. Even though she was part Siamese, she was a very quiet cat. And very sweet. She is already missed terribly.
I painted this one, like yesterday's, on gessoed watercolor paper - 8" x 6". I have lots of these sheets ready to go and like to use them for "quick" studies. When I use the word "quick" in relationship to my paintings, anything less than 4 hours is "quick". One good thing I expect to come out of painting these 30 paintings will be that I just may get to be a faster painter. I'll let you know. This painting took me about 3 hours. Yesterday's was 4 hours. Getting faster already.
Winsor Newton Artists Oils were my paints of choice today. I love the buttery feel of them. Turpenoid is my only medium and I use it lightly. My palette today was Titanium White, French Ultramarine Blue, Burnt Umber and a wee bit of Cadmium Red. Backing up a bit - I started this one with a light pencil sketch on white gesso.
Oh - I nearly forgot to mention - I haven't painted her whiskers on yet. That's because I like to wait for the paint to dry before I attempt those delicate lines. If the paint underneath is dry, I can wipe off a line I don't like and try again. Once I get the whiskers on, I'll post the painting again.
Thanks for stopping by to see my latest efforts!