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For several months now, I've been visiting the Daily Paintworks Challenge. It's a simple concept - a picture is posted and artists paint from the picture and post their work. It's free. And I really like looking at all the paintings. Well, this week, the picture is a kitten. How could I resist? So yesterday, I downloaded the photo and started painting. And just to make it fun, rather than paint a line drawing first (my normal procedure), I covered the canvas with a thin coat of a peachy color and then with a paper towel wetted a bit with Turpenoid, I removed the highlights. My goal was to keep it loose and not worry too much about matching the kitten in the photo perfectly. After removing the highlights, I went back and painted them in with a mix of Titanium White and Yellow Ochre. From there, I painted in the darks, then the mid-tones. When the kitten was finished, I painted the red pillow and the chair she is sitting in.
I had a fun time with this one and I'm definitely going to keep an eye out for another Challenge. Here's a link to the Daily Paintworks Challenge.
This painting is 6" x 8" - oil on Raymar Art Panel. If you can't resist this piece - it can be yours for just $240. Just email me.
Thanks for reading.