I realize that blogs really should be kept up on a regular basis, and now that it is a new year, I'll add "keeping my blog up" to my resolutions. Better yet, I'll even commit to posting on Tuesdays and Fridays.
This painting is of Molly, a black Lab that belongs to a dear friend. Molly loves sitting on this colorful couch and I couldn't resist the way the light was coming in the window and shining on her. Since Molly is black, I used Pthalo Blue and Cad Red with a touch of Cad Yellow to create my "black", which really came out a bit on the blue side. I like the way it works with the colors of the couch.
"Molly" is also part of the online art show currently being exhibited at the Canine Art Guild. My painting of the Boston Terrier is also in the show. The Canine Art Guild members are talented artists. If you get a chance, be sure to stop in and see the show. Here's a link: www.canineartguild.com/gallery